Tuesday, January 09, 2007

Another eThug!!!

Well my friends. It turns out there is another eThug in the blogosphere!

For some reason these pasty, overweight white guys watch some old Vanilla Ice videos and they want to be eThugs!

here is a prime example of an eThug: CHICAGOGAY

Oh noes! He has my IP address. It seems like he going to do something with it.
Perhaps he is going to put an eHit out me?

Who knows. But I do know something. Did ya check out his graphics design gig? God god. I thought static HTML went out of favor a long time ago? Oh well, what can ya expect from a eThug. I started to call Susan about this. But I figured that was going too far.

repeat after me: PHP/mySQL/FLASH/AJAX

Sunday, December 10, 2006

What does your computer tell me?

Since my penis obsessed friend over at The Kool Aid Report
loves to say 'I have your IP address!'
I thought I would do an essay on exactly what an IP address is.
Many people seem to think its like your home address. Once someone finds out your IP address they know where you live. Actually thats not quite true.
In fact the IP address recorded by many websites only record (via a siple javascript) the IP address that is REQUESTING the website.
If your requests are routed thru proxies, zombies, etc. that is the address recorded by the website.

Now here is where it gets insidious. Lets say particular website has started banning IP address to prevent certain people from posting comments or even viewing the website.
There is a little technique called IP address SPOOFING. Here is a short course: http://www.securityfocus.com/infocus/1674
There are many scripting programs that do this job for you

So a truly devious person would record IP address of people that visit his blog (In articular people visiting from other linked blogs) and then in turn spoof those Ip address to create all kinds of confusion.

My next post is going to be an academic study (by using a specific example) of the confusion that can be created.

Topic of next post: spoofing eThugs Ip address.

Thursday, December 07, 2006


I thought with how tough everyone is online I would post about eThugs.

eThugs are usually pasty white guys that dont get out much. The watch a few rap videos or Sopranos and suddenly they are eThugs.

I see comments such as this: eThugSite#1

I better remain anon. hmmm. So for example lets say I was Mark Knoppfler at NGIC. What exactly would this eThug do to me?

Im dying to know.

Im even more curious as to what eThug#2 would do....

They all claim they have my IP address. Like somehow if I were NOT anon. things would be different?

What my dear friends would they do?

After looking at photos of themselves on various websites they seem to fit a fairly similiar mold:

Out of shape.
Obsessed with my blog.
Obsessed with politics.
Obsessed with the size of my penis. (Hey if you saw me in Boogie Nights you would be obsessed too!)

Im amazed at the # of people that take my post at face value!

For example:

From another eThug Ryan: My blog has 1800+ pages views!
Honestly bro, if you update your blog that much to get that many page views, I suspect you are another pasty white guy that needs to get out a bit and enjoy some fresh air.

I bet you when you were in highschool you used to look at other boys penis and say..hehe my penis is 4.5in long and his is on 4. Im so cool.

Mary Cheney is having a baby!!!!

Im confused...I thought we were celebrating a culture of life. I've been hearing that over and over...
Apparently you should only celebrate life if you are white and married!

If you are fag/lesbian (maybe I should invent something catchy like islamo-fago's?), then all you are doing by bringing a life into this world, is encouraging more people to be fags/lesbians like Mary Cheney. Oh and some how you are encouraging abortions.

My favorite statement from Ms. Crouse:
We have too many young men and women from single-mother families that don’t have the role models at home to teach them how to deal with adversity and handle responsibility. They’ve seen their mom work 60 hours a week just to put food on the table; they end up fending for themselves.

Hmmm..Thats funny, before my father died, my mom worked about 50+hrs/week and so did my father. We were poor. Thats what poor people do. They work two jobs to make ends meet.
People like Ms Crouse dont understand that.

So is she saying that poor people dont have good role models? That only rich kids with a stay at home have good role models?

Here is another gem of a statement:
When fatherless children get to be teens....the boys tend to find as their role model the bad-boy celebrities of MTV, NFL and NBA.

WTF is she talking about? What about bad boy movie stars like MARKY MARK!
Sheesh...cant I get some recognition?

Leo is back!

Oh Noes! The horror of it all....

Maybe I should hire a liberal eThug like my good friend over at KAR to fling his PDA at Leo!

All kidding aside, Leo and I have disagreed on many things, however, the last thing I ever wanted to do was suppress his freedom of speech. I firmly believe in a person having the freedom to say whatever they want.
However, the moral of this story is this: if you say something online and you are nervous your family, friends, co-workers, your pastor, etc will read your post...then ya probably shouldnt be saying it.

My eThug friend on KAR said "The purportedly aggrieved party in all this is dead."

Actually eThug, the true victims of suicide(as Leo pointed out) are the people left behind. The last thing the surviving parents, children, brothers & sisters, etc want to read is about their dead, mentally disturbed relative was a 'deluded fool'.
If anyone thinks its ok to call a mentally disturbed person who committed sucide a 'deluded fool' I suggest you speak to your local pastor and ask him what he thinks about that comment.

Anyways, I digress....

...we kissed (well not like Mary Cheney and her lesbian partner....but Im sure you all know what i mean) and made up.

Happy blogging Leo. Remember what my grandaddy said..... ;)

80 views in two days!

I feel so warm and fuzzy now.
Please note: This is for my dimwitted fans. My comments are sarcasm.

Thanks to my eThug friend over at KAR I've become the obsession of right wing bloggers everywhere.

I love how tough everyone is. :)
"I know where you live"...."I have your IP address"...."I have your penis in my mouth"
Ok, that last one was made up by me. But I know thats what they are thinking after they saw my markymark photo. lol!

Next I will see a group of fat, pasty looking white guys showing up at my doorstep flinging their PDA's and laptops at me.

Maybe I can video it and u/l to youtube and I will become an instant internet sensation.

Then I will be an eStar!!!

A really nice guy has left...


I met James some time ago.... A truly nice guy and he left a wonderful family behind.

Being an avid back country camper and knowing the area he was in, to trek 8 miles is nothing short of amazing.

James you will be missed.

Wednesday, December 06, 2006

The Kool Aid Report: Another Day, Another Douchebag Troll

The Kool Aid Report: Another Day, Another Douchebag Troll

Hey look! Some fat guy is now writing about me!

I think he should read this some books like this:
Books for the average American

That double/triple chin is not very nice looking. Especially while wearing underarmour clothing.


Oh NOES....we have an eThug over at Kool Aid!.

He has my IP ADDRESS! (BTW....Please google: random proxy. lol!)

Next he is going to send an eAssassin to uhm...well what exactly is he going to do? Whip out his PDA with the bluetooth enabled web cam and snap a photo of me?

Im in their head rent free. I love it! They have an innate curiosity as to who I really am. Its now up to 10 conservative blogs all wondering just who in the hell is markymark.

Well I will give you a hint: he is HERE

Have a great day eThug!

Good Golly Miss Molly! I am popular!

I figured with all these new profile views, I should give you all something new to look at!

Obviously you all are coming from my good friend Leo's blog. :)

About me: I am a leftie troll filled with hatred. I am communist, a homosexual, an atheist, a wingnut, a donk, a liberal, a leftnut, an islamo-fascist, a fornicator, a purveyor of pornography, uhmmm...im trying to remember the other names used, but I didnt get to bed until 4am so the brain is not functioning well.

But one thing I am not: A psychologist that calls a mentally disturbed individual (who by the way tragically killed himself) a deluded fool and claimed his suicide was sweet irony and that Darwin's law was working its magic.

See...I have a problem with that. A big problem. When a board certified psychologist is posting comments such as that, viewable by children, teenagers, mentally disturbed people, etc this now becomes a public health issue.

People are free to exercise their 1st amendment rights. I support that 100%; However, when you are in the position that my good friend Leo is, you have a certain responsibility. Leo seems to think this is a political issue. In reality it is a moral and ethical issue.

Leo seems to think I am 'blackmailing' him.
Lets look at the definition of blackmail:
a. Extortion of money or something else of value from a person by the threat of exposing a criminal act or discreditable information.
b. Something of value extorted in this manner.

Now lets look at what I did:
1) I printed out his publicly posted blog and highlighted his disturbing comments concerning the mentally disturbed man who committed suicide.
2) I mailed those printouts to the school system he works for and to the editorial editor of his local paper.


Sunday, January 15, 2006

My First Post

Ok everyone,
Just to summarize this site:
I cant stand poor Republicans. Does this mean I think republicans are poor?
No! Im talking about the lower income Republicans in this country. These idiots vote for Republicans year in and year out and the said elected officials pass economic policies that basically fucks the lower-income-class in the ass with no lube.
Each week I will summarize the way Republicans "fuck the lower-income-class in the ass with no lube."