Thursday, December 07, 2006

Leo is back!

Oh Noes! The horror of it all....

Maybe I should hire a liberal eThug like my good friend over at KAR to fling his PDA at Leo!

All kidding aside, Leo and I have disagreed on many things, however, the last thing I ever wanted to do was suppress his freedom of speech. I firmly believe in a person having the freedom to say whatever they want.
However, the moral of this story is this: if you say something online and you are nervous your family, friends, co-workers, your pastor, etc will read your post...then ya probably shouldnt be saying it.

My eThug friend on KAR said "The purportedly aggrieved party in all this is dead."

Actually eThug, the true victims of suicide(as Leo pointed out) are the people left behind. The last thing the surviving parents, children, brothers & sisters, etc want to read is about their dead, mentally disturbed relative was a 'deluded fool'.
If anyone thinks its ok to call a mentally disturbed person who committed sucide a 'deluded fool' I suggest you speak to your local pastor and ask him what he thinks about that comment.

Anyways, I digress....

...we kissed (well not like Mary Cheney and her lesbian partner....but Im sure you all know what i mean) and made up.

Happy blogging Leo. Remember what my grandaddy said..... ;)


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