Mary Cheney is having a baby!!!!
Im confused...I thought we were celebrating a culture of life. I've been hearing that over and over...
Apparently you should only celebrate life if you are white and married!
If you are fag/lesbian (maybe I should invent something catchy like islamo-fago's?), then all you are doing by bringing a life into this world, is encouraging more people to be fags/lesbians like Mary Cheney. Oh and some how you are encouraging abortions.
My favorite statement from Ms. Crouse:
We have too many young men and women from single-mother families that don’t have the role models at home to teach them how to deal with adversity and handle responsibility. They’ve seen their mom work 60 hours a week just to put food on the table; they end up fending for themselves.
Hmmm..Thats funny, before my father died, my mom worked about 50+hrs/week and so did my father. We were poor. Thats what poor people do. They work two jobs to make ends meet.
People like Ms Crouse dont understand that.
So is she saying that poor people dont have good role models? That only rich kids with a stay at home have good role models?
Here is another gem of a statement:
When fatherless children get to be teens....the boys tend to find as their role model the bad-boy celebrities of MTV, NFL and NBA.
WTF is she talking about? What about bad boy movie stars like MARKY MARK!
Sheesh...cant I get some recognition?
Im confused...I thought we were celebrating a culture of life. I've been hearing that over and over...
Apparently you should only celebrate life if you are white and married!
If you are fag/lesbian (maybe I should invent something catchy like islamo-fago's?), then all you are doing by bringing a life into this world, is encouraging more people to be fags/lesbians like Mary Cheney. Oh and some how you are encouraging abortions.
My favorite statement from Ms. Crouse:
We have too many young men and women from single-mother families that don’t have the role models at home to teach them how to deal with adversity and handle responsibility. They’ve seen their mom work 60 hours a week just to put food on the table; they end up fending for themselves.
Hmmm..Thats funny, before my father died, my mom worked about 50+hrs/week and so did my father. We were poor. Thats what poor people do. They work two jobs to make ends meet.
People like Ms Crouse dont understand that.
So is she saying that poor people dont have good role models? That only rich kids with a stay at home have good role models?
Here is another gem of a statement:
When fatherless children get to be teens....the boys tend to find as their role model the bad-boy celebrities of MTV, NFL and NBA.
WTF is she talking about? What about bad boy movie stars like MARKY MARK!
Sheesh...cant I get some recognition?
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